Strawberry Peach Popsicles

Sweet strawberries and peaches blended and frozen into delicious Popsicles, perfect summer treats with no added sugar.

Strawberry Peach Popsicles | Cooking with a Wallflower

I am super excited to share this popsicle recipe with you and with my friends at Fiesta Friday! Filled with my favorite fruits, strawberries and peaches, they’re delicious, healthy, and easy to make (but unfortunately not quick due to freezing time.) What more can I ask for in a summer treat? I can eat these all day and not feel guilty. Although… they might not freeze fast enough for me to devour them all day.

Strawberry Peach Popsicles | Cooking with a Wallflower

So many Popsicle recipes have appeared on blogs recently, and I really wanted to make my own. The problem? I don’t have Popsicle molds! I’ve been looking for the perfect set online for several weeks now, but they’re a little pricey and too big to fit my needs. My freezer rarely has extra room as it is. There was no way I could fit a 10 count Popsicle mold in my freezer.

Luckily, the other day, my friend and I met at Japantown in San Francisco for brunch. Whenever we’re there, we visit a store called Daiso. It’s a Japanese version of the dollar store, except almost everything is $1.50, instead of $1. When I step into that store, I have to limit myself to how much I can spend. Usually, $20 max. Why? Because if I don’t, I’d probably carry the whole store out with me. Can you imagine dishes, glass wares, kitchen utensils, and miscellaneous items you didn’t even know you wanted costing only $1.50? It’s like a crafter, baker, cook, and student paradise.


I was walking down an aisle, something colorful caught my eye. It was a 4 count Popsicle mold. The plastic was a little bit torn so I searched for a different one. I couldn’t find one. The one I had must have been the last one they had. So of course I bought it.

If you’re in San Francisco, I highly recommend visiting Daiso. I can almost guarantee that you won’t leave empty handed. I certainly never do. My latest buys.


Now for the recipe!

First, cut off the leaves and stem of the strawberries. Chop the strawberries into smaller pieces. Place the strawberries into a blender and blend until it becomes smooth. Once it reaches the consistency that you like, try it. Even though it’s strawberry season, not every strawberry is sweet. Some of mine were extremely sour. If your strawberry smoothie (because that’s really what it is) is sour, add a little bit of sweetener of your choice to taste. Unless you prefer your Popsicles a little sour. Then you can leave it as is. =)


Pour the blended strawberries into the molds to about the half way. And let it sit while you work on the peaches.


Chop up the peach into smaller pieces. Place the chopped peaches into the blender and blend until it becomes smooth. Again, as with the strawberries, taste them to see if it’s sweet enough for you. Pour the peach smoothie over the strawberry until it almost reaches the top. You want to save a little space at the top to prevent the fruit from overflowing.


Strawberry Peach Popsicles | Cooking with a Wallflower

Cover the molds with the lid provided. If needed, slip in Popsicle sticks. My lid came with the sticks attached.


Place them in the freezer for at least 8 hours until the popsicles are completely frozen. Otherwise, the sticks will come out of the popsicle.

You can allow the popsicles to slowly melt on its own before removing them from the mold, or you can run them through lukewarm water to speed up the process.

Serve the popsicles cold. Enjoy!

Strawberry Peach Popsicles | Cooking with a Wallflower

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Strawberry Peach Popsicles Recipe Card



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