To celebrate my first year of blogging, I decided to share blogging tips based on my experience this past year. Hope you’ll find these tips helpful!
~ Andrea
Blogging Tips: How to Start a Self-Hosted Blog
Blogging Tips Writing Quality Content for Your Blog
Blogging Tips: How to Grow Your Blog
Blogging Tips: How To Use Social Media to Promote Your Blog
Wow I Love you!!! Thank you so much for these tips,I am so new to all of this blogging thing! I have just had a quick read over some of these and I will deff be back to read some more when my brain is more ready for it! I spent hours reading lots of tips over the internet yesterday but just ended up with a headache!
I have recently just started my own food and travel blog and these are all such helpful tips for me, plus I love reading over and looking at everything else on your blog too!
Have a look at my blog if you get a chance I would appreciate any feedback, and blog friends 🙂
Thanks again for all these amazing tips!
Hi Stef! I took a lot at your blog, and I loved what you have so far. A few tips, when you’re taking your photos, see if you can pull back a little. sometimes it’s better to step back and take the photo of the food. It gives a clearer picture. Add a few food props like a fork or a spoon or a napkin.It’ll make your dishes look like they’re ready to be eaten. Use natural lighting whenever you have the chance. Hope that helps.
Thanks Andrea!!
Yes this is all totally so helpful! Thanks so much for having a look and even more for the feedback, you are amazing!
Great tips 🙂 I’ve been a blogger for a few years now, but just switched over to WP. Still learning a lot about it and hope to get better soon. Thanks 🙂
I just have to say “thank you” for this series you did on blogging. I just went through the process of moving my blog from a account to self hosting and your tips helped me out a lot! I was nervous about the whole process because I’m a writer, not a techie and the blog world can be a bit daunting at times. Your tips were some of the most straight forward and helpful I’ve found. And trust me, I looked around for a lot for advice!
You’re awesome.
I’m so glad you found it helpful! I’m not a techie either. And I had such a hard time looking for info about how to self host so I thought I could share my experiences with everyone. Good luck with your blog!
Andrea, great series! It was helpful, and I loved that it was all in one place =)
I love all your tips… they are helping me a lot on my process of self hosting 😀 thank you so much for sharing all of this!!
You’re welcome! I’m so glad that you feel the tips are helpful. Is there anything that you’d want to know that I haven’t touched on?
I was wondering how long did it take for you to make the whole migration, and if you had any trouble with losing photos or something like that.
And also, did you notice traffic change after you migrated? Its only curiosity. I wanna know what to expect when going self hosted.
Thank you so much Andrea.
Oh my god! I’m soo sorry! I must have missed this comment! I didn’t really notice any traffic changes because I still kept my wordpress readers and my wordpress account. And when I make comments and likes, I still use my account. The migration probably took a little over an hour for me, but that’s because I was so indecisive. I’d hover over every little detail and think “should I?” or “shouldn’t i?”I didn’t lose photos or anything, but it took 2-3 tries for everything to be completely migrated. The first time, not every thing transferred. The second time more transferred over. And the third everything transferred over. But the thing is, don’t worry. Your blog will stay the same so nothing is lost unless you delete it. Again, I’m sooo sorry for this late reply. It’s been so hectic lately.
hahaha no worries Andrea!!! Things are also crazy around here 😀 thank you for replying!
I am almost done with my migration, just need to finish some details and soon it will be ready! I have learned a lot of technical stuff lately hahaha. Plugins a are fun 😉
You did your migration pretty fast, my pictures required hours of transferring, I had too many images, but all is well now 😀 just need to work a little on my design! Thank you dear!
I’ve just started blogging and these tips look great. Thanks!
I’m so glad you like my tips! Good luck with your blog!
Hi, I have nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award because it really interesting. Here’s the link
Thank you so much for nominating my blog! I really appreciate it!
You are welcome hun lovely stuff you got
Hi Andrea,
You blogging tips are very useful and inspiring. I have reference to your tips in one of my blog postings. Hope you are okay with it. Like many others, I am finding my way in blogging.
Hi! I’m soo glad you found my blogging tips useful! And it’s perfectly fine for you to reference my tips in your post. It’s only when people copy and paste without crediting that we get all riled up. Good luck with your lifestyle blog! Especially if you’re thinking of self-hosting later. I hope you have a wonderful new year =)
I just wanted to thank you for checking out my post. I clearly am JUST starting the whole blogging thing and am totally lost. As evident by my play around first post. I took a quick look at your blog and will be sure to come back! I am determined to figure out how to link my amazon associates links to my blogs now that I figured out how to do regular links. Ah the problems of being a new writer, blogger, and not tech-savy!
Thank you again for the vote of confidence. You are a doll.
May you have a wonderful holiday season. ( I suppose it isnt politically correct to say Merry Christmas so I apologize if I offend you but I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!)
With Love and Gratitude,
Kaitlyn, I visited your site again and looked at your Amazon links. I just wanted to let you know that some of the links aren’t working. It’s a little bit hard at first to figure out how to link everything.
But if it’s a direct link, you can put it in a hyperlink. Let’s say it’s Hershey’s Chocolate. Write that in your post, and highlight it. And then click the icon that looks a little bit like a paper clip in your toolbar (next to the align right icon). There will be a place for you to put your link.
If it’s HTML, which Amazon will give you if you’re an associate, make sure to add it to your post in “text” rather than “visual.” The tabs on the right side near the top.
I know it’s a little bit confusing at first, it was to me too! I am sooo not tech savvy. But if you place the link in the text, it’ll help make the blog post look nicer without all the extra links.
If you have questions, send me an email, and I’ll be happy to go over it in detail with you.
Good luck with your blog! Happy Holidays!
Thank you so much! You are a complete doll!