Welcome to my site!
My name is Andrea. I’m a registered dental hygienist with an obsession with food. I can’t stop talking about it (ask my friends!) or looking for my next favorite dish whether it’s from a restaurant or made in my own kitchen. While I’m not working in a dental office, I can be found cooking and photographing food in my kitchen.
This blog will feature tons of recipes, weekly finds, blogging tips, and occasional peeks into my personal life.
I hope that you will enjoy browsing through my blog and experimenting with food recipes. I know that it can be difficult to find time to cook when you’re balancing so many other things in your life, but my hope is that you will find that cooking can be fun, relatively simple, and stress free. Because really, why would we want to add extra stress in our lives, right?
I want my readers to be able to have fun cooking as well as enjoy what they eat. After all, what’s the point of eating if you don’t like what you eat? Which means just because I use certain ingredients in my recipe does not mean that you can’t substitute in some of your favorite ingredients. I’ll even make suggestions for inspiration.
Anyways, have fun and enjoy yourselves!
If you have questions or comments and would like to contact me, please feel free to email me at cookingwithawallflower@gmail.com, message me on Facebook, or send me a Tweet. I’m sure we’ll get to know each other well really soon! =)
ironhij says
I really like your site! Im gonna try some of your recipies 🙂
Im a sucker for desserts so I think I will try some of those to begin with ;P
You don’t happen to have some recepies for anything with rawstberries? ^^
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
I do have some, but not many. Here’s one for desserts. https://cookingwithawallflower.com/2014/08/31/cheesecake-filled-raspberries/ Hope you’ll like it =)
wandamulley2014 says
I am enjoying your blog and thanks for subscribing to mine. I feature 5 blogs each week that I will follow and I definitely will be adding yours to my list. I look forward to sharing with my readers. It’s A Wandaful Thing.
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Thank you so much, Wanda! It means a lot to me =)
stopoverinlife says
well, I also love cooking, we have something in common 🙂
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
It’s so nice to “meet” you =)
The Traveling Fat Kid says
Hey thanks for liking my post! I’ll definitely be checking out some of your recipes!
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Thank you!
Hada Creativa says
Hi Andrea! I love your Apple Crisp post!! Feeling hungry already! hahaha Say, you don’t happen to know of a pumpkin muffin/cake recipe that uses rice or spelt flour, is egg and refined sugar free do you? Vegan and uses rice syrup??? Sorry, I don’t know how to send you this other than via here….email me on hadacreativa@outlook.com if you want to…Cheers!!
Beth says
I like the blog setup, your pretty picture waiting to eat ;-), and the other things you do too.
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Thank you so much, Beth!
Riccardo Barcucci says
Thanks for visiting my photo blog, Andrea! Your site is really gorgeous!
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Thank you so much, Riccardo!
cynthialau2316 says
Hi Andrea! I’m exactly the same..I find cooking, baking especially, so therapeutic! It distracts me from other things I should or should not be stressing about.Thanks for liking my post!
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
You’re welcome! =) And it’s so nice to meet you, Cynthia!
morenafresca says
Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you come back soon!
| Había una vez…
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
You’re welcome!
renmi86 says
Hello! Thanks for visiting my blog! Love your photographs, everything looks so beautiful and delicious! How do you do it?
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Thank you so much! It takes a lot of practice to get used to styling the food and the background, especially if you haven’t done it before. And a lot of times, it’s thanks to the good lighting that the photos turn out well =)
renmi86 says
By chance, do you have any tips for styling food you wouldn’t mind sharing?
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Hi! I’m really sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Sometimes comments end up in my spam folder. Anyways, I’m starting a blogging tip series that will address that, but definitely use good natural lighting when you take photos. It really helps make the food look delicious. Next, take a look at the ingredients you used in your recipe. Pick out a few ingredients. Let’s say red peppers. You can have sliced red peppers placed in the background. Or parsley. You can slice them into smaller pieces and sprinkle them around your food. Include utensils that you might use to eat your food. You can also include a mug or a beverage for the background. It takes a little bit of planning, but these little things really help bring your photos to life. Hope these little tips help! If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask. I’ll be answering them in the next couple weeks =)