Welcome to my site!
My name is Andrea. I’m a registered dental hygienist with an obsession with food. I can’t stop talking about it (ask my friends!) or looking for my next favorite dish whether it’s from a restaurant or made in my own kitchen. While I’m not working in a dental office, I can be found cooking and photographing food in my kitchen.
This blog will feature tons of recipes, weekly finds, blogging tips, and occasional peeks into my personal life.
I hope that you will enjoy browsing through my blog and experimenting with food recipes. I know that it can be difficult to find time to cook when you’re balancing so many other things in your life, but my hope is that you will find that cooking can be fun, relatively simple, and stress free. Because really, why would we want to add extra stress in our lives, right?
I want my readers to be able to have fun cooking as well as enjoy what they eat. After all, what’s the point of eating if you don’t like what you eat? Which means just because I use certain ingredients in my recipe does not mean that you can’t substitute in some of your favorite ingredients. I’ll even make suggestions for inspiration.
Anyways, have fun and enjoy yourselves!
If you have questions or comments and would like to contact me, please feel free to email me at cookingwithawallflower@gmail.com, message me on Facebook, or send me a Tweet. I’m sure we’ll get to know each other well really soon! =)
Virgilio Gavia says
Thanks Andrea for the visit. Nice site you have here.
johnsona56 says
Your blog layout is so accessible and the photos are fantastic! It makes me want to try every recipe immediately so I can taste all the goodies. 🙂
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Thank you! I hope you like the recipes try =)
imgifted says
You are really gifted in cooking. I don’t have any culinary school experience but one day hopefully I’ll be able to get that in too lol. I’m inspired by your page.
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
I have no culinary school experience either. If you look at my posts from when I first started the blog two years ago, you can see a huge difference. It just takes practice to get better =)
imgifted says
Exactly!! Plenty of undercooked and overcooked dishes until I made it right lmao!
The Story in the Frame says
Fantastic blog. You are incredible talented at your hobbies!
finewhateverblog says
thank you for liking my blog post i wrote about soup. your blogging tips intrigue me and i look forward to reading them
Adrian Krucker says
Thanks for visiting my photo blog. I really appreciate it. Your blog is very interesting, too! Best wishes from an ‘Overseas San Franciscan’ … Adrian
catheverett says
Thanks for liking my blog on British food, Andrea – appreciated. And good luck with the job-hunting – you’ll get there in the end, I’m sure……
Lisa says
Hi, Andrea! Thanks for stopping by my blog today. May not wait until tomorrow morning to try your pumpkin pie maple oatmeal recipe. Perfect rainy fall evening here in NM for oatmeal for dinner, spiced just right! Best wishes in your job searching endeavors & may you find much stress relief in your awesome blogging. 🙂
Saurabh Sharma says
Your blog is awesome
Jeanette says
Weird, my comment went away.lol. You remind me of my daughter in law n that’s a good thing. 🙂 your site is nice! Like your name. Google niagra falls frozen. Amazing photos for back in the day.