Welcome to my site!
My name is Andrea. I’m a registered dental hygienist with an obsession with food. I can’t stop talking about it (ask my friends!) or looking for my next favorite dish whether it’s from a restaurant or made in my own kitchen. While I’m not working in a dental office, I can be found cooking and photographing food in my kitchen.
This blog will feature tons of recipes, weekly finds, blogging tips, and occasional peeks into my personal life.
I hope that you will enjoy browsing through my blog and experimenting with food recipes. I know that it can be difficult to find time to cook when you’re balancing so many other things in your life, but my hope is that you will find that cooking can be fun, relatively simple, and stress free. Because really, why would we want to add extra stress in our lives, right?
I want my readers to be able to have fun cooking as well as enjoy what they eat. After all, what’s the point of eating if you don’t like what you eat? Which means just because I use certain ingredients in my recipe does not mean that you can’t substitute in some of your favorite ingredients. I’ll even make suggestions for inspiration.
Anyways, have fun and enjoy yourselves!
If you have questions or comments and would like to contact me, please feel free to email me at cookingwithawallflower@gmail.com, message me on Facebook, or send me a Tweet. I’m sure we’ll get to know each other well really soon! =)
lorikeetlady says
Hello Andrea, Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy the Linzertorte. You have a lovely collection of recipes and so beautifully presented.
rosesarecool says
Hi Andrea. Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m new to the food blogging world and I’m excited to meet a fellow foodie. Can’t wait to check out some more of your recipes 🙂
Liv says
Thank you for visiting my blog! I never thought to check out cooking blogs before but I love this! Its so lovely and well designed 🙂
missinformation says
you look beautiful!
bowmanauthor says
Thanks for coming to my blog. I am fascinated by your cooking and writings.
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Thank you!
annette48 says
Hi Andrea! Thanks for your like of my ‘Guests in the Orchard’! Your blog looks really terrific and I’m looking forward to investigating it further. As the wife of a chef, I’m always interested in other people’s food obsessions! 🙂
robertkarlharding says
Yes it’s a handsome, detailed, relaxed blog. Using Vietnam ingredients sometimes – great! Congratulations!
itsonlyfare says
Thank you for liking my mac n cheese post! As you can tell, we’ve just started out. I’ve spent my day looking at your blog – specifically your blogging tips and it’s been so incredibly useful! Thank you so much! It’s clear, easy to understand and pulls on how it was for you when you started out, which really helps! 🙂
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
I’m so glad you found the tips helpful! Good luck with your blog =)
ƔǏƜɅƚ ƾ says
Hey, Andrea. Mouth-watering blog. I especially like the pictures. Do you review restaurants in your area? I think it would be interesting to read how you gauge other people’s cooking.
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
I don’t review restaurants on my blog. But I do write reviews once in awhile on Yelp.
ƔǏƜɅƚ ƾ says
Cool. Will check it out.
dancer on the waves says
I just wanted to say that I love your recipes and the recipe cards <3 I've always been a hopeless case as far as cooking is concerned but if I ever gather up courage to venture into the kitchen it will be thanks to your wonderful blog xx
Andrea| Cooking with a Wallflower says
Thank you! That means a lot to me! Trust me, several years ago, I was hopeless in the kitchen too! I could not crack eggs to save my life. My friend made me crack a dozen eggs in one sitting before i finally got it. So it just really takes a ton of practice. lol