“Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming.” – Vicki Harrison
It’s been nearly four and a half months since my grandma passed. Some days it gets easier and other days not so much. Recently, it’s been the latter.
I don’t normally write personal posts. I focus on food, and lately, travel. But I’ve been overwhelmed with a sense of loss, and I only know how to write how I feel. So today, I’m sharing a more personal post, just as I did a few months ago, here. Thank you for all the stories you shared with me and for getting me through that difficult period.
And just as before, it’s okay to skip this post since it’s not one of my usuals.
The thing is, today was supposed to be the day we celebrate Grandma’s birthday. It’s not exactly on her birthday. It usually isn’t. We try to schedule her birthday dinner either on a Saturday or a Sunday so that we can all attend.
Every single year for as long as I can remember, we pick a nice Chinese restaurant in San Jose, everyone dresses up, and we go out for dinner. The girls will wear dresses and the guys will wear a dress shirt and a tie. It’s that kind of event. One that we all look forward to each year because it’s when our family comes together and celebrate.
Which makes even more difficult as the day we had picked out months in advance approaches.
I was always close to my grandma. Every weekend, I would be at her house to hang out. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t doing anything important. It just mattered to her that I was there. She liked having family around. And so I was always visiting during the weekends, just a day, but sometimes longer when there’s a long weekend.
And so now that she’s gone, I’m a little at a loss. My weekends are now free, except for work, and I’m struggling to fill that gaping hole in my life.
It was even more noticeable this past 4th of July weekend. I had five days off, but I didn’t realize it until it got closer because I never had to make plans for the holidays. I was always at Grandma’s house, so there was never a need for me to make plans. And suddenly I had all this time off with no plans. At least, not until the last moment.
And then of course, today, the day we are supposed to come together, with cousins and uncles and aunts flying in from other states and countries, to celebrate. This year was supposed to be a big celebration, where everyone was trying to make it, where Grandma gets to meet some of her great grandchildren for the first time. It makes it so much harder to keep it together.
Most days I’m okay. I’ve stopped wanting to cry at work, or on the bus, or as I’m walking home, but this weekend is just so much harder.
Especially since on the morning of Friday February 24th I had requested for Monday, July 10th off. I wanted extra time to spend with visiting family, to hang out, and to catch up. My request was granted that same morning. But late that same afternoon Grandma passed from cardiac arrest while I was at work. And I just left that day open because I didn’t know how I would feel.
Happy early Birthday, Grandma. I miss you <3
Beautiful writing for such a loved grandmother. She filled your heart with love.
Thank you.
Oh Andrea, I’m so sorry for you and for your family. Your Grandma was obviously a wonderful lady and I hope you feel better soon. It’s a difficult difficult thing. X
Thank you.
Only God knows the depth of our hearts. He is there in the deepest waters and promises they will not overwhelm. May the arms of the comforter wrap around you today. God bless
Thank you.
What a lovely tribute to your dear grandma Andrea, for one thing I am sure – being a grandma myself – it is wonderful to have your grandchildren around you and you must have given her untold joy.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.
Sending hugs your way <3
Thanks, Ruth.
Sorry for your loss
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your feelings. Best!
Thank you.
*sending you e-hugs*
Thank you!
I relate so much to the feelings you spoke about!My Gram passed away suddenly,quite a few years ago;and I still and always will miss her.If not for her,I shudder to think what kind of mother and grandmother I would be today!Having been raised by a very abusive woman and a very absent man;she was my role model.One of many strong,loving and kind women,placed across my path throughout my youth.Her birthday,the holidays,a traditional trip to the cemetery on Memorial Day.Every other Sunday,when I was a single Mom to 3 girls,3 and under;we went to Grams.Clearly,times were so tough.Yet,she and Gramps fed us or we did takeout.Even fastfood was a treat!lol!Always giving me her,”used”,magazines.As we both loved to read.Sending us home with bags of those,”extras”,I couldn’t afford.Listening and laughing till we peed our pants.Anyway,I have paid it forward many times,because of her.Miss her,but ever so thankful for zillions of memories!💗💗💕😍🤣
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Teri! It means so much to me. I’m so sorry for all the hardships that you had to endure. But it sounds as if you had an amazing relationship with your grandparents.
I am sorry to hear about your loss , she has gone to a better place . Pray .