I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Easy Italian Cuisine. Thank you so much for the nomination! Check out her blog to see so many unique recipes.
The Versatile Blogger Award is given to blogs considered to have good quality of writing, good photography, and for the uniqueness of their posts.
In order to accept this award, you have to:
- Thank the person who nominated you
- Link to the person’s blog
- Nominate 15 people for the award and tell them
- Write 7 facts about yourself
All these bloggers have been outstanding in my eyes and I would like to nominate them for this award. =)
– Ruth and Emilie@ Cork and Spoon
– Elaine @ Knitter Baker and Pate Choux Maker
– Simply Made Kitchen and Crafts
– Kim @ Chronic Conditions and Life Lessons
– Corina @ Searching for Spice
– Susan @ Watch Hatch Fly
– Connie @ Idyllwild Designs Blog
– Adrienne @ Adrienne Cooks
– Connie @ Foodessen
– Vanessa @ Kitchen Feasts
Seven random facts about me:
Let’s see….
- I love writing. It doesn’t matter what, whether it’s food or fiction, I live to write.
- My favorite part of dental hygiene? Teaching patients proper oral hygiene techniques like brushing and flossing. You have no idea how amazing it feels when you reach through to someone.
- I have a morbid love for crime dramas and murder mystery novels. There’s something so riveting about a good mystery.
- I love all things food. But I honestly prefer to sample a dish rather than eat a full plate, that way I can have some of everything.
- One day in the future, I would love to just go travelling. There are so many places I want to visit!
- My favorite dessert is macaron. They’re so cute and colorful and yummy. Cheesecake is not far behind.
- I love all things extra spicy. If you’ve been following my blog, I use red pepper flakes a lot in my recipes. And that’s because I know not everyone can handle spicy.
Congratulations to all the nominees.
Thanks, Joanna!
Congrats 🙂
Thank you!
Congratulations! Great recognition.
Thank you!
Bravo! Congratulations on well deserved award.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Congratulations on getting such a great Award.
Thank you!
Congratulations Andrea! And thank you so much for the nomination that I just happened to read 🙂 I really enjoy you recipes.
I just left a message on your blog before I saw that you messaged me! lol. Congratulations again! =)
Thanks again! I guess that’s what happens when we read and write at the same time 🙂
Congratulations, well deserved 🙂
Thank you!
congratulations 🙂
Thank you!